The journal Balcania et Slavia (BeS) invites contributions for the first and second issues to be published in 2025.
Possible areas for contributions include:
• Issues in the phonology, morphology, syntax, and lexical semantics of the modern Slavic and Balkan languages;
• Contrastive or area-typological studies of particular aspects in the syntax of Slavic and Balkan languages;
• Contact-induced properties and patterns of grammaticalization in the Slavic and the Balkan linguistic areas; historical impact of language contact on grammaticalization processes.
• Morphosyntactic variation and micro-variation in the Balkan-Slavic area from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
Potential authors can submit (a) original research papers or (b) 'state of the art' articles that critically evaluate current theoretical concepts and approaches in the field of Slavic and Balkan linguistics.
Space limitations:
The submitted articles should not exceed 5,000-6,000 words, 30,000-35,000 characters, spaces included.
Abstract Submission – April 7, 2025
Articles Submission – May 15, 2025
Prospective publication – June 2025
All contributions must be submitted in *.docx format and must respect the editorial and bibliographical norms of the journal (for information, please visit A PDF copy of the manuscript should also be submitted if it contains special symbols, phonetic transcription, or characters from languages other than English.
Manuscripts will be accepted preferably in English. Italian and Russian, as well as any other Slavic language are also admissible (consistently with the topic of the contribution). For more information, please write to
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